Professional Portfolio:
Ashley Cottle
This page is dedicated to other projects I have created using technology. Throughout my career of becoming a teacher, I have been in many classes that require us to use loads of technology, and many of the projects involve us making websites for certain things. Prior to taking my Integrating Media and Technology into Teaching course this Spring 2016, I took a class called Teaching in the Digital Age where we discussed the importance of incorporating technology into our classrooms and lessons, and we also talked about how beneficial it can be to do so and compared what it was like teaching in a classroom when I was in elementary school in the early 2000s and what it is currently like teaching in a digital classroom.
I have also linked a website I created in that class, along with a website I created in my Investigating Mathematics and Learning class. For my math class, we had to create a blog dedicated to analyzing mathematical tasks and developing them into easier and harder tasks. There are screenshots to the side of what each website looks like, and feel free to check them out if you would like!